Recycling Everything From Small Bottles to Big Buildings

How Your Business Can Be More Environmentally Responsible

Climate change is perhaps the biggest problem facing the world at the moment, with the United Nations Panel on Climate Change saying there may be as few as 12 years to enact meaningful change before there are massive repercussions. With that in mind, it is no wonder why climate change is one of the most important topics at the moment and everyone is being asked to do their part. This includes not only individuals but also businesses, which can enact change that really makes an impact on the global footprint. Here are some ways that your company can help out in the fight against climate change.

Industrial Scrap Recycling 

Recycling is a great way to reduce the impact of production and reduce the consumption of natural resources. A big part of every business are the many appliances and different machines that are all made up of metal that can be recycled. However, these machines are often replaced without recycling, which is a waste of resources and money you can be paid for recycling your metal through an industrial scrap recycling plant. Appliances that can be recycled include fridges, printers, air conditioning units and much more, including things like cars and even batteries. If you have recently had a building constructed and you have leftover metal, then you can sell that as well. You are practically being paid to recycle, which means there are double the benefits and few, if any, negatives.

Buying Recycled 

Offices and administrative areas of other businesses can guzzle office supplies like there is no tomorrow. Paper, pens, glue and more are all bought in huge packs and often without any regard for the environment. There are many environmentally friendly counterparts for all your office supply needs, and all it takes is a simple change in the budget. Some of the items don't cost any more than non-environmentally friendly versions, but it will probably cost a little more overall to make this change. However, you can turn this into a positive by marketing yourself as an environmentally friendly company, a growing trend that socially conscious consumers will react to. 

Creating a Green Office

By making your office as carbon neutral as possible, you will make sure that you leave as little an impact on the environment as you can. Some ways to do this include installing solar panels, getting appliances that are the most energy efficient possible, installing toilets that do not use as much water, getting a grey water system installed for your bathrooms, donating to environmental charities and more. You can decide how much you are able to contribute and can ease yourself into this; it is not easy to switch everything at once, and you do still want to be able to survive as a company. Just remember that being profitable should not be the only goal of your company, and showing you care about your community's future by becoming more environmentally responsible is a great way to reward your loyal customers. 

Look into industrial scrap recycling, buying recycled products, and overall working to create a more green office.
